Saturday, June 20, 2009

Learning Google App Script

I was lucky enough this morning to receive in my inbox an acceptance from Google into the beta program for Google App Script.

Google App Script was announced at this year's Google I/O. Google App Script (to be abbreviated GAS?) is a javascript scripting capability that allows users to program server side scripts to automate Google services. GAS is available initially only within Google spreadsheets and from the documentation I have seen to date there is still a lot of the API (for the various Google services) to fill out.

I hope to try a few different projects with GAS in the coming days and weeks. Stay tuned.

If you want to know more you can read the Google blog post or even better watch the video of the Google App Script session of I/O. You can also find a Google Apps overview, API documentation and some tutorials on the Google App Script documentation pages.
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